The Thinking Method of Research on Hearing Impaired:
The Significance of Research
吉岡 豊
Yutaka Yoshioka 聴覚障害に関わる研究を早期発見、audiology、言語、言語指導の4つの観点に従って分類し概観してきた。その結果、早期発見に関しては新しいパラダイムによる聴覚検査法の確立と早期発見以後の連携体制の強化、Audiologyに関しては新しい補聴器に対応したフィッティング法の確立、補聴効果および聴能評価検査法の標準化、人工内耳に関する医療−教育の連携の必要性が、今後の課題と思われた。また、言語に関しては使用する検査の選択、聴覚障害児における個人差の問題、言語指導に関してはコミュニケーション・モードとの関わり、指導例の積み重ねによる指導法の確立を今後の課題として指摘した。
The Acquisition of Concepts for the Deaf School Students
Yukio Isaka
Speech Sound Discrimination, and Speech Sound Recognition of
Aphasic Patients
遠藤邦彦・柳 治雄・井佐原 均
Kunihiko Endo, Haruo Yanagi and Hitoshi Isahara
We processed natural speech sound on the computer, made controlled but easily
perceivable stimulus, and examined the brain damaged subjects. The findings can be
summarized as follows.
(1) In the human brain, phonetic feature analysis of speech sound is done according to the
axes of the participation of the vocal code (voiced vs. unvoiced), the participation of
the velum palate (oral vs. nasal), the point of articulation, and the manner of
(2) Aphasic patients who had a significant auditory verbal comprehension disorder showed
sever disturbance of consonant recognition when the consonant was presented to the right
ear (left brain) and then the vowel was presented to the left ear (right brain). Contrary
to the aphasic patients, normal subjects failed to recognize the consonant when it was
given to the left ear and the vowel was presented to the right ear. It was suggested that
the left brain is dominant for the recognition of consonant in normals, and that speech
sound presented to the right (nondominant) brain is neglected when the speech sound is
presented across the two hemispheres. Processing of verbal information transmitted to the
nondominant hemisphere may be inhibited to avoid the interference of the information
between the two hemispheres. In aphasic patients who had an extensive lesion in the left
hemisphere, the right brain seemed to get the dominancy of the consonant recognition. Our
procedure which presents the consonant and the vowel across the two hemispheres seemed to
be effective for the evaluation of the dominant hemisphere for speech.